
The Secret to Building a Profitable E-Commerce Business

3 min

The Secret to Building a Profitable E-Commerce Business

Learn how to create a 7-figure business

Hey there!

It’s the Zab Twins, professional Amazon coaches, and today, we want to talk about how we built a profitable e-commerce business that makes $6000 daily! But first, allow us to introduce ourselves.

The Zabierek duo are proficient entrepreneurs running multiple Amazon brands from our first-hand experience. We’ve helped over 150 clients grow profitable businesses worldwide and unlock financial freedom. Today, we assist aspiring entrepreneurs in reaching their goals through our fantastic program, “The FBA Startup,” and website.

 Research shows that U.S. e-commerce grew by a whopping 32.4% in 2020, providing new sellers the opportunity to go online. Unfortunately, another study reveals that up to 45% of new businesses fail within the first five years.

 But that doesn’t mean you can’t create a lucrative e-commerce brand!

We’re here to help ensure that by providing you with the secret recipe we used to create over three profitable and sustainable brands. By the end, you’ll have learned the five must-know tips to build an e-commerce business that makes $6000 daily. You can also watch this YouTube video where we tell you how we quit our 9-to-5 and scaled our Amazon business!

A Comprehensive Guide to Growing a Successful E-Commerce Business

E-commerce has exploded during the past few decades, transforming it into a growing force in our economy. As the number of online shoppers is persistently increasing, it’s no surprise that e-commerce makes up over 19.7% of the market share.

What does that mean? Now is the perfect time to create your online business! Today, e-commerce has changed the way people find and buy products. It’s also made it easier for companies to capture their target market. Through unmatched convenience, diversified options, and tailored experiences, e-commerce helps sellers keep the buyer hooked!

 Want to grow your e-commerce brand in 2022? Then this guide is perfect for you! Here we’ll discuss how you can overcome the unique challenges of creating an online business and ensure success. Excited? Let’s jump right in!

Psst…You can skip reading this article by watching its video format here.

Choosing the Ideal Business Model

Start building your e-commerce brand by determining which business model best suits your needs. There are over a hundred options, so ensure you contemplate the pros and cons of each e-commerce idea before getting started.

Here are a few business options we tried:

  • Dropshipping
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Social Media Management

Unfortunately, none of these business ideas are profitable or sustainable. Instead, they’re time-consuming, unprofitable, and downright exhausting. That’s why we turned to Amazon FBA!

This incredible business model gives you the flexibility to build a consistent cash flow while managing your 9-to-5. Additionally, Amazon FBA takes care of the logistic, from storing inventory and packaging to shipping and handling returns, enabling you to invest the minimum amount of time to create a profitable e-commerce brand.

You only have to find a winning product, optimize your listing, and market the product to your target audience. And you don’t even have to do that alone! By partnering with the FBA Studio, you can unlock professional copywriting, branding, infographics, and packaging services to create stunning product listings.

 As a result, you can develop a fantastic brand identity and expand your outreach without investing much money and time. The best part? Amazon offers you access to its massive consumer base. 

Learning the “Success” Formula

Success begins with addressing three primary components:

  • Mindset
  • Skillset
  • Opportunity

Working with a mentor allows you to tick mark these boxes quickly and efficiently. Not only will an Amazon coach help you develop the right entrepreneurial mindset, but they’ll also teach you the skill set you need to succeed. How?

Professional e-commerce coaches have the expertise to help new sellers scale their businesses. They’ve already gone through the failures, hidden challenges, and turbulences you will face, which puts them in the perfect position to help you!

You’ll learn how to focus on your strength, uncover hidden bottlenecks, and hone your skillset to improve productivity and performance through training programs. You can also access real-time insights, business truths, and professional advice to transform your career trajectory.

Additionally, you can listen to podcasts, read books, and join webinars to improve your skillset further and build a business mindset.

Building Your Product Line

Launching your first Amazon FBA product is essential. But what’s more important is taking advantage of product line development.

Aim to sell three to five different products to diversify your listing and create a consistent cash stream. That way, if Amazon takes down a particular product or a competitor takes over the marketplace, you’ll still have other items to rely on. 

If you’re struggling to find high-quality products, you can try innovative tools like Helium 10. This one-stop solution for Amazon provides in-depth data on the latest market trends, helps review analytics, and showcases low-competition opportunities. Consequently, you can grow your product listing, beat Amazon’s algorithm, and ensure profitability!

P.S. you can use our discount code “ZAB6M20” to save 20% off your first six months on Helium 10. Or you can use “THEZABTWINS10” to enjoy 10% off every month.

Focus on The Target Audience

The better you understand your buyer’s pain points, the easier it becomes to create a high-quality product. While it’s a fantastic idea to focus on your target audience and cater to their needs, you don’t have to stop there!

Instead, try creating multiple buyer personas and diversifying your product line to create multiple sources of income!

Always Keep Testing

If your goal is to create a sustainable brand, you must always rely on data. Ensure you conduct in-depth research when picking products to launch.

In addition, test samples to get a clear view of the product’s quality and whether it matches your audience’s expectations. This will help you dominate Amazon’s marketplace.

How Did We Build a Seven-Figure E-commerce Business?

Building a profitable Amazon business can be challenging, and you will face building and growth stages. But here’s a secret no one ever tells you: the power of mentorship can help you bounce back a lot quicker.

Failures, growth dips, and lack of motivation are inherent in a business. However, with a proficient mentor on your side, you can uncover support, advice, and feedback to overcome business challenges quickly and effectively!

Besides this, your mentorship program helps you grow a robust network of like-minded professionals who can provide exceptional advice to overcome the building stage and achieve success!

The Bottom Line

Venturing your very first online business is exciting but full of challenges. Make your journey to creating a profitable and sustainable Amazon brand easier by keeping the four tips we discussed in your mind. Try applying our success formula to expand your skill set, develop a business mindset, and find opportunities in failure.

If you need help setting better goals, accomplishing them, and improving your skills, it’s time to get a qualified e-commerce coach. Lucky for you, the Zab Twins are only a click away! Check our monthly schedule to book a free call to access real-time business guidance!

You can check our website for similar blogs if you want to surf more about Amazon FBA. Or you can watch our YouTube videos, where we discuss the strategies, tips, and steps to grow an Amazon brand today!



Arek Zabierek

amazon Coach

If you’re looking to accelerate your eCommerce business with tried and tested tactics and strategies, then book your free call today.  We can’t wait to work with you!

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If you’re looking to accelerate your eCommerce business with tried and tested tactics and strategies, then book your free call today.  We can’t wait to work with you!