
How to Turn $100 into $1 Million- The 4 Best Ways In 2023

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How to Turn $100 into $1 Million- The 4 Best Ways In 2023 

Discover the secret to transforming $100 into 1 million

Hi there! 

It’s Brian- an executive Amazon coach. Together, my twin brother, Arek, and I have helped hundreds of people scale their e-commerce businesses and unlock financial freedom. We provide new sellers with tried and tested tactics and foolproof strategies to accelerate success. Plus, we have a YouTube channel, a coaching program, and a website full of resources to build a seven-figure business. 

Insightful research shows that 65% of surveyed people want to work remotely. Most employees say working online allows them to save costs, enjoy location flexibility, and boost productivity. Here’s the best part: remote workers earn over $100,000 annually!

If you’re one of the 4.5 million people launching a new business, you’ll want to know how you can enjoy flexibility while growing your revenue. Fortunately, Amazon offers aspiring entrepreneurs the perfect opportunity to kick-start a profitable business and earn millions within a year.

But to ensure you’re one of the 63% who enjoys profitability, you must learn the right strategies and tactics. To help you, I’ve listed every entrepreneur's four steps to hit their seven-figure dream. You can also click on this video, where I reveal the best tips to turn $100 to $1 million. 

Four Realistic Steps to Make Your First $1,000,000 

Over 49% of Amazon sellers reveal the desire to “be their boss” as the number one reason to join the marketplace. In addition, 38% of new sellers cite seeking extra income as the top motivator. Many are also seeking location flexibility to travel the world and feel successful.

Whatever the reason, Amazon FBA is many online sellers' primary income source. Wondering how you, too, can start making millions? Below I’ve added four excellent tips to create a successful online business and earn over $1,000,000:

P.S. If you’d much rather watch a video, you can click this link to check the article’s video edition.

Step # 1: Get 1% Better Everyday 

Achieving success starts with using realistic optimism instead of blind faith and overconfidence. With realistic optimism, you’ll realize that you’re not infallible and bound to make mistakes. You’ll also learn to admit you lack some skills required to complete a task. 

The best way to build your skill set and create a successful brand is by taking advantage of compound interest within your mindset. Instead of getting caught up doing the things you already know, seek new experiences. The more things you learn, the broader your skill set will be, and the more you’ll grow. 

Focus on being 1% better daily, whether learning a new skill or reading successful entrepreneurs' books. Think of it this way: if you’re getting 1% better every day, you’ll grow by 365% at the end of each year. Consequently, you can boost your motivation, mindset, flexibility, confidence, and happiness. You’ll also feel empowered to seize opportunities to scale your online business. 

Step # 2: Connect with a Qualified Mentor 

According to an in-depth study, 93% of young entrepreneurs need to interact with executive mentors, and 33% of mentored entrepreneurs transform into top performers. And if you’re a new seller hoping to make it big, you need a qualified mentor. 

A mentor can teach you the steps to becoming a professional e-commerce seller at a deeper level than any course. Unlike coaching programs, mentors offer personalized mentoring to ensure you get help with your individual needs and goals. Besides this, they have the expertise and experience to help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and overcome challenges.

Furthermore, collaborating with a professional mentor allows you to create a seamless road map. From selecting an unsaturated niche and profitable product to developing an entrepreneurial mindset, a qualified mentor can guide you to acquire the right skill set to scale your business. A holistic mentorship program can also help you tap into a pool of like-minded professionals.

In addition to new sellers, veterans need a consultant or mentor to identify bottlenecks sabotaging their success. While mentorship programs require a specific investment, you can rest assured it will be 100% worth it!

Step # 3: Build Your Mindset 

99% of your success is your mindset. 

If you sit around wishing things were easier or creating “be-good” goals, you will fail. Instead, focus on being better. Setting be-good goals kill your abilities, causing you to feel anxious and powerless whenever you face an unfamiliar or difficult task. In turn, you struggle with paralysis by analysis, which is a massive deterrent to performance.

On the contrary, creating get-better goals empowers you to take challenges head-on. It enables you to accept that you will make mistakes and don’t know everything, thus busting anxiety and allowing you to adopt new and effective strategies. This also encourages you to adopt new skills and expand your knowledge, which sets you up for success.  

Furthermore, get-better goals help you build an entrepreneurial mindset. Having a business mindset allows you to uncover opportunities in failure, ease overcoming obstacles, and create an effective strategy that ensures success and financial freedom. It also encourages you to evolve and scale your business alongside. 

Step # 4: Hyper-Focus on Your Goal 

Here’s the truth: your focus is the key to all thinking, whether memory and reasoning or decision-making and problem-solving. With focus, you can succeed in your business and life. 

As the saying goes, “Energy flows where the attention goes.” Thus, when you hyper-focus on something, it expands, and you’ll find better opportunities. Additionally, embracing focus makes you happier and more confident and boosts creativity.

On the contrary, research shows that focusing on multiple things can reduce your productivity by a whopping 40%! Therefore, hyper-focusing on one task and breaking your goal into milestones can significantly enhance productivity and reduce stress. If you struggle to focus, try practicing mindfulness and cutting out distractions.

For instance, if you’re setting up your Amazon FBA business, remember to niche down and hyper-focus on your target market. The better you focus on serving your target audience, the higher your profitability and sales will be. 

The Bottom Line- Joining Amazon to Unlock Your Inner Potential  

It’s normal for everyone to experience a blurred focus every once in a while. You can lose momentum when people tell you your business, thought processes, and strategies are wrong. But when you hyper-focus on your goals and realize you’re not alone, no one can block you from achieving success. 

Your focus can drastically transform your life. And when you align it with your actions, you’ll produce excellent results. You can learn more about uncovering your greatness to grow a successful Amazon FBA business by booking a call with Arek and me. If you’re unsure if this is the calling for you, explore my YouTube channel or blog to discover more. 


Arek Zabierek

amazon Coach

If you’re looking to accelerate your eCommerce business with tried and tested tactics and strategies, then book your free call today.  We can’t wait to work with you!

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If you’re looking to accelerate your eCommerce business with tried and tested tactics and strategies, then book your free call today.  We can’t wait to work with you!